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Can You “Fix” Your Pain Forever?

Apr 06, 2020 | Texas Partners Healthcare Group

Not All Pain Can Be Fixed Permanently

Virtually everyone on the planet will experience pain at least once in their lives. It’s unlikely that someone will go through life without dealing with pain. However, many people only experience short-term pain that appears quickly and goes away after some time. Unfortunately, some are forced to live life with chronic pain, which lasts for weeks and months on end, sometimes lasting for years. This pain is often debilitating and affects people’s quality of life.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, which means that if you suffer from chronic pain, you aren’t alone. Countless different causes can lead to pain, whether it be an injury or a disease. With such a large portion of Americans living in pain, it’s no surprise that they would do almost anything to ensure that their pain was fixed forever. Many people look to healthcare professionals to find pain management plans that help relieve their symptoms. However, many question whether there is a way that they can “fix” their pain.

The short answer is there probably isn’t a way to “fix” your pain forever. Everyone’s pain is different. From the root of their pain to their lifestyles, people will react to treatments differently. At the Frisco pain management clinic Texas Partners Healthcare Group, we offer a host of different pain management treatments designed to help you manage your chronic pain without relying on surgery or opioids.

What is Chronic Pain?

We have spoken about chronic pain and its effects on not only your body but also your mind. Pain is defined as chronic when it lasts for three to six months or more. It often has drastic effects on your daily life and hinders your ability to accomplish simple, everyday activities.

The sensation of pain occurs when a series of messages travel through your nervous system. When you are injured or hurt, your brain activates the pain pathways in your nervous system. Typically, if the injury is minor like a paper cut, the signals will stop being sent once the wound is healed. However, for those that suffer from chronic pain, these signals are constantly active. Your nervous system is constantly telling your body that it is in pain, which, in turn, causes you to experience pain for long periods.

Examples of common types of pain include:

Unfortunately, there isn’t one cause of pain. It often occurs due to an injury or a condition. Some of the most common causes of pain include:

These are just a few causes of pain. There are many more, and each case is unique to the patient, which makes it difficult to design one way to “fix” your pain forever. Everyone’s pain is different. A person’s lifestyle also makes it difficult to eliminate their pain. Unfortunately, a lot of factors lead to pain, and many of them make it near impossible to “fix” your pain.

Fixing Pain

Millions of people are forced to live their lives in constant pain. Whether their pain is the result of an injury or a condition, they often suffer without receiving the appropriate care and treatment. Therefore, their quality of life reduces, and their mental health takes a hit, as well.

Understandably, many patients would want to find a cure or a quick “fix” for their pain. Unfortunately, things aren’t that simple. While there are instances where pain can be treated and fixed quickly, chronic pain often doesn’t work like that. While acute pain, like a broken bone or a pulled muscle, will heal and get better, chronic pain is often much more complicated. You may be feeling pain in one part of your body that is caused by an issue elsewhere. This makes it difficult for a healthcare provider to pinpoint the cause of your pain to accurately treat it.

Even once diagnosed, not all treatments will “fix” your pain. Many lifestyles can stop you from effectively eliminating your pain. For example, if your job calls for you to sit at a desk in front of a computer for eight hours a day, you will likely develop some neck, shoulder, and back pain. However, you will never be able to fix this pain unless you change your occupation. You can manage the pain and reduce your symptoms, but the pain will persist.

Furthermore, if you are an active hiker, runner, or athlete, you will need treatment for overuse and need maintenance to treat your pain. However, if you continue with these activities, you will continue to require this treatment.

We understand that many people want to “fix” their pain, but depending on your condition, lifestyle, and medical history, that may not be possible. But you can still manage it.

Managing Pain

While not every condition or cause of pain can be effectively eliminated, the pain management clinic at Texas Partners Healthcare Group specializes in several treatment options designed to help relieve your pain symptoms while ensuring that you are able to live life well again. These pain management options do not rely on surgery or pain medications. While pain medications, like opioids, do provide relief, this relief is short-term. Surgery can offer some relief, but it can also lead to more serious problems and prolong your pain.

At Texas Partners Healthcare Group, we offer a host of alternative, non-invasive treatment options that provide long-term pain relief without the danger. Some of these treatment options include:

There are several ways our expert pain management providers can help relieve your pain. While you can’t always “fix” your pain, you can manage it. If you suffer from chronic pain and you are looking to minimize your symptoms, give Texas Partners Healthcare Group a call today to learn about our pain management options.