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Treating Muscle Spasms at Home

Dec 24, 2019 | Texas Partners Healthcare Group

Muscle Spasms Can Be Quite Debilitating

The human body is an incredible network that works together to keep us healthy and upright. Most of us will experience some ailment or injury during our lifetime – some more than others. One of the most common complaints from people of all ages is muscle pain, tightness, or spasms. Today we are going to look at muscle spasms and how to treat them naturally at home. Depending on the location of the spasm and what’s causing it, relief can come quickly. Others might face the frustrations of dealing with a persistent spasm that won’t go away. Whichever lane you fall into, it is essential to know how to treat the spasm and find relief.

At Texas Partners Healthcare Group, we want to give you the knowledge and tools to live your happiest, fullest life. We understand how frustrating and nagging muscle twitches and spasms can be. Because there are so many potential causes (physical, neurological, or systemic) of muscle problems, it is important to be patient. Our team of experienced doctors, nurses, and staff will work closely with you to find the problem. As a leading regenerative medicine clinic, we have many tools, tests, and treatments at our disposal, including stem cell therapy and injections. We have seen firsthand how effective they can be for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including muscle spasms.

Today’s blog is devoted to at-home treatment options for muscle spasms. However, if you have tried the tips below and are still suffering, please contact the nearest Texas Partners Healthcare Group location to you. Our friendly staff are here to help and will do everything we can to get you back on your feet and feeling 100 percent.

What are Muscle Spasms?

Before we look at treating muscle spasms, let’s go over what, exactly, they are. Also referred to as muscle cramps or Charley horses, spasms can occur in any muscles, including the legs, back, hands, feet, eyes, toes, and hands.  This sudden, involuntary contraction of the muscles can be excruciating and can occur in the largest or smallest muscle in the body. How long a muscle spasm lasts will depend on a host of factors, but most people have them for as long as several seconds to 15 minutes or more. Muscle spasms can affect the skeletal muscles along the limbs and spine or the smooth muscles that incase our internal organs. If you are experiencing widespread chronic muscle spasms, it could be connected to a more severe condition that could be vascular, hormonal, or nutritional. Even though muscle spasms are so common, the way they show up can be frustrating.

How to Recognize a Muscle Spasm

Understanding the signs of a muscle spasm will help you find the best treatment for your needs. They can range in intensity from a mild annoyance to severe pain. Muscle spasms do not discriminate. They affect the young, old, healthy, sick, sedentary, and active. If you’ve experienced a muscle spasm before, chances are you know what it feels like. Sometimes, signs of muscle spasm are less obvious. Here are a few tips to help you recognize muscle spasms:

Common Causes of Muscle Spasms

In most cases, muscle spasms are responses to overexertion, pain, or fatigue in a specific muscle. They can happen during the day or in the middle of the night, disrupting your sleep cycle. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, 60 percent of adults have experienced nocturnal muscle cramps. However, they may also be a sign of a systemic or neurological condition. This is why timing, frequency, duration, setting, and any potential pattern are so important. All of these things can tell us a lot about the muscle spasm and what may be causing it. It is important to note that anyone can experience muscle spasm, even those that are healthy.

Some of the most common causes include:

Tips for Treating Muscle Spasms at Home

Muscle spasms are somewhat of a mystery for many reasons. The good news is there are many ways to treat them at home and naturally. Some of the most effective treatment for muscle spasms include:

If you are experiencing persistent muscle spasms, and you need help managing your symptoms, contact Texas Partners Healthcare Group today. The above tips may offer some relief, but in some cases, additional therapies are needed. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with our experienced Frisco pain management doctors to discuss your case.