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Treat Spinal Stenosis in 2022 with One of These Options

Jan 19, 2022 | Becki Andrus

Chronic back pain can be caused by a variety of structural issues, with spinal stenosis being a common reason why patients experience back issues. If you have been diagnosed with spinal stenosis, are you looking for solutions to help you manage the pain in 2022 and beyond?

It is challenging to live with chronic pain. Not only does the pain disrupt daily activities, but it often feels like the pain overshadows every other area of your life. However, if you want to enjoy a full and thriving life, you first need to focus on pain management so you can move forward with other goals and resolutions.

What Is Spinal Stenosis

The first step to managing your pain is to educate yourself about the condition and why you are experiencing these issues. Your medical team might use different types of imaging and testing to determine an accurate diagnosis:

When spinal stenosis is present, it means there is a narrowing in the space in your spinal cord. When there is less space available, then the spinal cord becomes compressed. As a result, it puts pressure on the nerves and delicate tissue in the spine. The nerves in the spinal cord can become inflamed, irritated, pinched, or compressed, which leads to pain.

Spinal Stenosis Symptoms

In most cases, spinal stenosis develops over time. It is a slow process and can be related to “wear-and-tear” as well as osteoarthritis. Often, age-related changes are a risk factor that increases the likelihood of spinal stenosis.

So, in the earliest stages of spinal stenosis, you may not have any symptoms. The changes might be visible on x-rays, but you could be living pain-free for a while. Then, depending on the location and severity, the pain can develop and result in an acute experience or chronic issues.

Symptoms of spinal stenosis might include:

Spinal Stenosis Treatment Options

Talk to a pain management doctor to learn more about treatment solutions for spinal stenosis. These are a few of the options that might be discussed when choosing the optimal treatment plan for your back pain:

Is Spinal Stenosis Surgery Necessary?

Surgery is an option to consider if your symptoms are severe enough to disrupt your daily life activities. However, pain management doctors want to try all other minimally-invasive treatments before recommending surgery because of the spine’s delicate nature.

The good news is that most patients with spinal stenosis don’t require surgery. Here are a few indications that surgery might be necessary:

Our pain management doctors focus on immediate symptom management and long-term solutions. Reducing the pain and inflammation right now is an important part of helping you find relief. But these temporary fixes don’t result in lasting recovery, which is why we also prioritize other treatments to minimize the risk of pain and symptoms in the future.

Schedule a Consultation with a Pain Management Doctor

Do you need help managing chronic pain and spinal stenosis? Then the first step is to schedule a consultation with a pain management doctor. We offer treatments that aren’t available through your primary care physician or a general practitioner.

Our team at Texas Partners Healthcare Group provides a range of pain management services and personalized support to help you experience immediate results and long-lasting solutions. Call today to learn more about your options.