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Sciatica and Tips for Dealing with the Pain

Jul 19, 2021 | Becki Andrus

Do you feel like back pain is taking over your life? When the sciatica nerve flares, it can be difficult to get through the day.

Some people live with sciatic pain for years, making adjustments to their activities and lifestyle to cope with the discomfort. You’ve likely tried different types of treatments, including medication, steroid injections, and more – with varying results.

Don’t feel discouraged if you aren’t finding the relief that you desire. The good news is that our team of pain management doctors has a variety of solutions that can get to the root of your pain. Our goal is to alleviate the chronic pain and restore your life.

What is Sciatica?

“Sciatica” refers to the radiating pain that happens along the sciatic nerve. This nerve is located from the lower back, branching down into the buttocks and hips before continuing down the leg. If someone has sciatica, then it means that there is an injury affecting the sciatic nerve, causing pain and discomfort down the nerve pathway.

This condition usually happens when there is a physical condition that compresses the nerve. For example, a bone spur, herniated disk, or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine) puts pressure on the nerve. The result is local inflammation, ongoing pain, and even numbness that can move down the leg.

Symptoms of sciatica can include:

In most situations, sciatica only happens on one side of the body. For example, you might feel radiating pain and discomfort down the right side of your body, but the left side seems unaffected.

How Long Will Sciatica Last?

When your sciatic pain flares up, you are likely adjusting many of your activities because the pain makes it challenging to move, stand, or sit. Sciatic pain can be moderate or severe, depending on the cause of your pain and other lifestyle factors.

Most people who have chronic sciatic pain find that the symptoms come and go. For example, you might have a flare up that lasts for a few weeks, then a bit of relief as the symptoms subsides. Some people have ongoing pain that never seems to end.

If you are experiencing chronic back pain or sciatic issues, then it’s important to seek treatment to minimize permanent damage to the nerve.

Risk Factors for Sciatic Pain

Anyone can experience sciatic pain, especially after an accident or injury that affects the lower back. But there are certain factors that might increase your risk:

Just because you have these risk factors, doesn’t mean that you must live with sciatic pain forever. There are things that you can do to reduce your inflammation and protect the sciatic nerve.

Tips for Relieving Sciatic Pain

When your sciatic pain is flaring up, consider these tips to help you find relief.

These recommendations are also helpful for prevention. Don’t wait until your back starts hurting again! If you know that you are prone to chronic back pain and sciatic issues, then be proactive about caring for your back to prevent issues in the future.

Pain Management to Relieve Sciatic Issues

Our team of pain management doctors is here to help if you are looking for solutions to reduce sciatic issues, back pain, and other types of chronic pain. Reach out to us at Texas Partners Healthcare Group to discuss potential treatments that fit your lifestyle.