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How Stem Cells Treat Hip Pain

Sep 10, 2019 | Texas Partners Healthcare Group

Hip Pain is One of Many Conditions Stem Cells Treat

The hips are the largest stabilizers in the body, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t susceptible to problems. Hip pain is incredibly common, especially among older adults. Whether due to regular wear and tear and deterioration, injury, or illness, the tissues, muscles, and joints in the hips can become damaged. When this happens, it can lead to pain of varying degrees. For some, hip pain is nagging and dull, whereas others experience severe pain that is often described as shooting or searing.

What Causes Hip Pain?

It can be easy to ignore your symptoms and try to push through the discomfort, but this is a huge mistake. As mentioned, the hips are vital to the overall health and wellness of the body. If there is a problem with these major joints, it could turn into a whole-body issue. The hips are versatile, allowing for flexing, extending, internal rotation, and external rotation. In addition to the movement they assist with, the hips also bear the weight and force of the rest of the body. Because of this, when there is an issue with one aspect of the hips, it can spell trouble.

However, hip pain isn’t always easy to treat.

It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact source of the pain, and hip pain often isn’t a sign of a problem with the hips at all but perhaps the back or legs. For those experiencing hip pain, the first step is to figure out what your pain management options are. Your first priority is likely to take care of the pain, but we can’t do that unless we know what we are treating. Regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy are both extremely safe and effective ways to manage hip joint pain. In recent years, we have seen firsthand how beneficial these types of alternative treatments can be.

Common conditions that lead to hip pain 

When many people hear hip pain, they think osteoarthritis, and they aren’t wrong. Among older adults, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are often the cause of this issue. However, it is a common mistake to think hip pain only affects the older population.

Both younger and older individuals may experience hip pain because of the following:

What Are the Symptoms?

Before we look at how stem cells can help with hip pain, let’s go over some of the symptoms commonly displayed:

How Can Stem Cells Help? 

Hip pain can be diagnosed with a physical examination and, in some cases, additional diagnostic tests. Once we understand what is going on structurally with your hips, we can talk about managing the pain. Stem cells are a relatively new, yet very effective option that more and more patients are turning to. While we still have a lot to learn, what we are seeing right now is extremely promising when it comes to treating common ailments like hip pain.

In the past, this pain was often treated with surgery such as a hip replacement. As you can imagine, this is a very invasive procedure with an intense recovery period. Thanks to stem cells, individuals with degenerative conditions or structural problems that cause hip pain have a viable alternative.

What Are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are naturally occurring cells in the body that do not have a specific role. They can multiply, self-renew, and morph into different forms, including bones, cartilage, fat, and other tissues or cell types. Stem cells are divided into two different categories:

The different types of stem cells carry different properties and are harvested from specific parts of the body. For example, one type of adult stem cells is found in fully developed tissues, such as the skin, bone marrow, and even brain. Right now, the main type of stem cells used to treat diseases and other conditions are hematopoietic stem cells, which are blood-forming stem cells found in the bone marrow. 

Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy for Hip Pain

Studies have shown that, when done in conjunction with platelet-rich therapy (PRP), stem cell therapy can help the hip tissues renew and repair. The more consistent you are with managing the pain and other symptoms with these types of treatments, the better the results.

Stem cell therapy and other forms of regenerative medicine are a great treatment option because they are non-surgical. Surgery comes with inherent risks that stem cell therapy does not carry.

Stem cells are beneficial in many different ways, but some of their most impressive properties include:

Stem cell therapy for hip joint pain may focus on healing the cartilage and bone with stem cells. Research has shown that the reparative nature of stem cells may be able to prevent osteoarthritis and joint deterioration. When stem cells that can help repair damaged tissue were injected into the affected hip, we’ve seen how they can help encourage the cartilage to heal.

Additionally, one of the main reasons many people experience hip pain is inflammation. Because stem cells can help reduce inflammation, they are very effective in alleviating this type of discomfort. If you are living with hip pain and have tried other treatment options with little to no success, give Texas Partners Healthcare Group a call. Our regenerative medicine specialists are committed to helping you find relief from pain in a safe and manageable way. Hip pain is very serious and can be a sign of an underlying condition or structural problem.

If you are curious about the benefits of stem cell therapy or how it can help with hip joint pain, schedule a consultation at our pain management clinic in Frisco today. Stem cells for hips are becoming more popular, and our team is here to help you determine if this is the right treatment option for your needs.