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How Long to Wait for Neck Pain to Go Away?

Nov 05, 2021 | Becki Andrus

Neck pain is something that people live with for months or years. However, if you have an old injury or your neck flares up because of your daily activities, it might be time to seek help with chronic pain management.

At Texas Partners Healthcare Group, we offer personalized services and results that help you feel better. It doesn’t matter if you have neck pain or any other type of pain; we invite you to contact our team for more information about available treatment options.

Neck Pain Not Improving?

When you wake up with a sore neck, most of the time, the pain will subside in a few days – or a few weeks as most. But if you don’t notice improvement, then there might be a deeper issue that needs addressing.

In most situations, minor or moderate neck pain goes away over time. Often, this pain is caused by straining or an injury. So, the pain will reduce when the injury heals.

But the amount of time it takes depends on the type of injury and the severity of your situation. If you are experiencing a lot of pain or the pain doesn’t seem to be going away, it can be helpful to talk to a doctor about your treatment options.

Medical Diagnosis Process for Neck Pain

The first step to addressing neck pain is to work with a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. A medical professional will complete an examination, ask about your medical history, and complete testing or imaging as needed:

In chronic pain situations, this diagnostic process often begins with a general medical practitioner. Then, if the treatments are unsuccessful, patients consult with orthopedic or pain management specialists. Even if you have a previous diagnosis, our team will want to complete an exam to verify that we are working with an accurate diagnosis.

How to Tell if Your Neck Pain is Serious

There are a few ways to tell if your neck pain is severe. Watch for these symptoms to decide if you need to talk to a doctor or specialist about pain management:

You might not be able to tell whether your neck pain is just an inconvenience or a serious health condition. If there is a question about the seriousness of your injury, then it’s always best to talk to a doctor so you can rule out long-term issues.

Neck Pain Treatment Options

The good news is that you don’t have to live with neck pain. Even if you have been experiencing neck pain for months or years, treatment options are available to help you find relief. Modern technology and medical treatments offer more possibilities than ever before.

An effective treatment plan might include multiple modalities to offer immediate results and long-term relief. Our pain specialists can recommend various options, such as:

These are just a few of the treatment options. We’ll design an effective plan based on your unique needs and treatment preferences.

For more information about treating neck pain and other chronic conditions, schedule a consultation with our team of pain management specialists. Texas Partners Healthcare Group provides a full range of services for people of all ages. We are here to help!