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Amniotic Fluid Injections

Jun 25, 2019 | Texas Partners Healthcare Group

Amniotic Fluid Injections are Advancing Regenerative Therapy

Chronic pain is something that many Americans live with on a daily basis. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly a quarter of adults in the United States live with chronic pain, nearly 10 percent of which have “high-impact” symptoms. With these numbers in mind, it is no wonder why countless Americans are looking for ways to manage their pain. Unfortunately, many have turned to pain medications, such as opioids, to find relief. While these drugs may mask a person’s symptoms, they do not address the root cause of the pain.

If you are someone who faces chronic pain, you may think surgery and painkillers are your only options. However, there are numerous alternative therapies that are far more effective than these Western solutions. We believe you can manage your pain more accurately and efficiently through alternative treatments such as stem cell therapy, platelet-rich therapy, and other forms of regenerative medicine.

Today, we are going to look at a recent, exciting option that may help treat a wide range of painful conditions, including plantar fasciitis. Amniotic fluid injections are becoming increasingly popular in pain management clinics throughout the country, and for good reason.

What Are Amniotic Fluid Injections?

Amniotic injections are comprised of amniotic stem cells (ASCs) that are a mixture of cells from amniotic fluid and tissue. Amniotic fluid is the protective liquid that lubricates the embryo. It is made from maternal blood plasma and is often referred to as “pregnant woman’s water.”

One of the most important characteristics of ASCs is that they have the ability to transform into numerous different types of tissues, including skin, cartilage, cardiac, nerve, muscle, and bone. When extracted from the amniotic sac (using a process called amniocentesis), they have the potential to help a wide range of medical conditions. Once harvested, the amniotic fluid is then injected into the area in question, working to regenerate the cells and heal the damaged tissue.

Are amniotic fluid injections safe?

Yes. In some cases, these therapeutic stem cells are harvested during a planned cesarean section, causing no discomfort or harm to the mother or fetus. However, scientists have recently developed a device and method that will make harvesting the amniotic fluid and stem cells even easier. This 3D device allows doctors to safely extract the fluid that is often referred to as “medical waste.”

Does amniotic fluid contain stem cells? 

Yes. As discussed earlier, amniotic injections are amniotic stem cells which are harvested from the amniotic sac.

How long do amniotic stem cells last?

It is important for amniotic stem cells to be harvested while the fetus is still inside the womb, as this liquid will lose its importance once the baby is born.

What are amniotic stem cells good for?

Not only are amniotic fluid injections safe and effective, but they have a host of benefits:

In addition to these benefits, amniotic fluid injections can help heal the following conditions:

If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of amniotic fluid injections, or if you are wondering if this therapy is right for you, please contact Texas Partners Healthcare Group. We understand how frustrating it can be to live with chronic pain. And being the skilled and experienced Frisco pain management clinic that we are, we are here to help you find a safe solution that meets your needs.